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Photo Archives A collection of pictures that have appeared on ColumbiaMagazine.com and in the print edition of Columbia! Magazine. Photos are sorted from most recent to oldest. To see more pictures, click the "View the next..." link at the bottom of this page. To find a specific photo, try our Search Page.
Lady Indians preparing for matchup with Cougars
 2024-12-28 - Bowling Green, KY - Photo by Trey Stephens. The Lady Indians prepare to do battle against the Cougars of Holy Cross (3-6) in the next round of the Vanous Lloyd Classic hosted at Warren Central High School in Bowling Green. With Friday's victory, the Lady Indians have now won three straight. They are hoping to build their largest winning streak in almost a decade with a win on Saturday.
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Remains of the Eubank Spring House
 2024-12-28 - Columbia, KY - Photo from Barry Loy. This sign at the Trabue House indicates the stones from the Eubank Spring House at the town branch. It reads, "This garden was created by the Adair County Garden Club in 2007. The stones used to form the borders, paths, and benches once formed the foundation and walls of the Eubank Spring House at the foot of Jamestown Hill. That cool spring water refreshed the early settlers and travelers to Columbia."
More about the historic Eubank Spring House:
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Christmas Cactus blooming on Christmas this year
 2024-12-27 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Charmaine Ward Stewart. The photographer shared, "I must have done something right this year. My Christmas Cactus never blooms on Christmas and never has more than 2-3 blooms." That is, until this season - just look at the blossoms! Merry Christmas!
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
 2024-12-27 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Jade Waggener, ACHS senior reporter for Columbia Magazine. Ralph Waggener and his great grand-dog, (Jade and Carter's dog, Suni), send wishes for Happy Holidays from everyone at Kentucky Traditions Printing in Columbia. Ralph reported that a good time was had by all who could make it to the traditional Christmas Eve celebration this year. Granddaughter Jade made the photo at "Granny and Papa's".
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Travel: a view of downtown in early evening
 2024-12-27 - New York, New York - Photo by Hailey Elizabeth Waggener. This excellent puzzle was captured by Hailey Waggener, looking down on East 44th Street in NYC on her recent journey there with her Mom.
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View the next 7 photos from the archiveIf you have photos you'd like to share with ColumbiaMagazine readers, please email .jpg files to photos@columbiamagazine.com. Please include your name, an email address or phone number, the date the photo was taken, and the location and names of anyone in the photos.
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Contact us: Columbia Magazine and columbiamagazine.com are published by Linda Waggener and Pen Waggener, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728. Phone: 270.403.0017
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