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Homemakers starting a new year

2025-01-04 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Adair County Homemakers wound up their busy year with the traditional bazaar and now begin the new year. A special game day event is scheduled for the 21st that everyone is invited to.

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Travel: National City Christian Church

2025-01-03 - Washington, D.C. - Photo by Pen.
Located on Thomas Circle in Washington, D.C., the large neoclassical church building was completed in 1930. The structure was designed by John Russell Pope, and has a "monumental character" typical of Pope's style and seen in his other works, such as the Jefferson Memorial. (Wikipedia)

Further back in the photo is the Luther Place Memorial Church, whose neo-Gothic style sharply contrasts with the Neoclassical style of National City Christian Church.

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KYA Outstanding Delegate Pierce Stotts

2025-01-03 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy Candice Flatt.
Pierce Stotts was named Outstanding Delegate at the Kentucky Youth Assembly conference held in Louisville December 8-10, 2024. Mrs. Flatt's students also won the Premier Delegation award at the 2024 KYA Conference.

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Adair Co. students at Kentucky Youth Assembly

2025-01-03 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy Candice Flatt.
Pictured are Mrs. Candice Flatt, Emmett Davenport, Maddie Wethington, Anne-Riley Corbin, Pierce Stotts, Hunter Ballou, Cole Stockton. Bottom row: Cindy Case, Millie Thompson, and Madison Burkhardt. This year Mrs. Flatt's students won the Premier Delegation award at the Kentucky Youth Assembly in Louisville.

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Winter Storm Planning Timeline

2025-01-03 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy National Weather Service.
Suggestions from the National Weather Service for the coming winter storm. The Adair County Annex Building will be open for a warming spot starting at 7pmCT on Saturday January 4, 2025, through Tuesday January 7, 2025.

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Assistant EPD Chief Colby Romines receives award

2025-01-03 - Metcalfe County, KY - Photo from Kim Harwood, Executive Director, Edmonton Metcalfe Chamber of Commerce.
Congratulations to Asst. Chief Colby Romines who received the 2024 Governor’s Impaired Driving Enforcement Award in Edmonton. The Kentucky Office of Highway Safety through The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, annually recognizes Law Enforcement Officers and agencies from across the state who have saved lives through their extraordinary efforts to reduce alcohol and drug-impaired driving.

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Scenic Casey County, KY - changing weather

2025-01-02 - Casey County, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
As the New Year settles in and we begin to correct 2024 to 2025 every time we write the date, and we figure out what day it really is after holiday closings in the middle of these two weeks make it feel like restarting after the weekend... after all that, conversations are now turning to the big weather changes coming. Friday night temperatures will fall below freezing to a low of 17. Anytime you want weather right now in Adair and surrounding counties, scroll past the first photo on CM and click on Current Local Conditions. Then clicking on the town takes you to the 7-day outlook.

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