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The Montpelier Diamond

2025-01-07 - Washington, D.C. - Photo by Pen.
I was excited to find something from our neck of the woods on display on a recent visit to the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.

The placard reads, simply, "Diamond, Cabin Fork Creek, Montpelier, Kentucky." When I searched the internet for more context, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the late great JIM had already covered the subject with some thorough research, in an article posted to Columbia Magazine way back in 2011: JIM: History notes on the Montpelier Diamond.

(Also on display in the Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals is a slice from the meteorite that fell in Edmonton, KY, in 1942. Another slice of the Edmonton Meteorite is on display in the Field Museum in Chicago, IL.)

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Spotted on Adair/Metcalfe County line

2025-01-07 - Adair County, KY - Photo from personal collection.

Darla Burris shared this special moment from her trip with Donnie to Bowling Green over the weekend. She writes, "At the Adair County / Metcalfe County line one of these Eagles was by the road the other one was in the tree. The one by the road flew back to the tree, quite the unusual sight."

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Garden Club sharing gifts with elders

2025-01-07 - Metcalfe County, KY - Photo from Kim Harwood, Executive Director, Edmonton Metcalfe Chamber of Commerce.
Documenting good works - the Edmonton Metcalfe County Chamber of Commerce gives a shout out to the Metcalfe County Garden Club as they delivered Christmas gifts to the residents of Harper's Home on the Columbia Road, Edmonton. Garden club members pictured at the delivery of the gifts were Pam Hines, Priscilla McDonald, and Frankie Pfile.

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Horses with snow

2025-01-06 - Fairplay, KY - Photo by Veronica Arnold.
Veronica writes, "If you see a horse (or cow) with a blanket of snow on its back.... it's actually a Good Thing. They are insulated against the weather, and it shows that their natural coats are working. If they are wet, with no snow, then their coats aren't shedding water like it should, and shelter should be given. They may choose to not go in, but it should be offered.

Pictured are 2 of my horses, one with a snow blanket, and one that melts it and is all wet."

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Remembering the January 1977 snowfall

2025-01-06 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Mike Watson.
Mike Murrell's report on winter weather in January 1977, which brought nearly a foot of snow over several days and left "most secondary roads in perilous condition, and some primary roads open only to vehicles with four wheel drive or chains on them."

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Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove

2025-01-06 - Adair Co., KY - Photo by Cindy Melton.
Cindy photographed this Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove at her feeder in Columbia on Sunday, January 5, 2025.

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Weather warning picture for Monday and Tuesday

2025-01-06 - South Central Kentucky - Photo From NOAA weather service.
Monday and Tuesday weather pattern for Adair and surrounding counties.

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