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Photo Archives A collection of pictures that have appeared on ColumbiaMagazine.com and in the print edition of Columbia! Magazine. Photos are sorted from most recent to oldest. To see more pictures, click the "View the next..." link at the bottom of this page. To find a specific photo, try our Search Page.
Historic Calendar for 2025 now available
 2025-01-08 - Adair County, KY - Photo from Mike Watson, Adair Genealogy and History Center. The Adair County Genealogical Society's 2025 historic photograph calendar is available - please contact us now,! Available at the Adair Genealogy & History Research Center.
Supplies are limited, so speak up fast, 270-380-1024. Front and rear cover photos shown here.
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Kentucky Color: Can you smell the coffee?
 2025-01-08 - Great Wooded South - Photo by Billy Joe Fudge. Billy Joe writes, "There are a lot of reasons to get up in the morning. I'm thankful for each and every one. However, to hover over freshly ground Eight O'clock Colombian beans is a much anticipated event. Nothing pushes the 'Good Morning' button like the trifecta of coffee aromas in the morning.
Each step of the coffee-ing process carries a special nuance of aroma. First tickle to the olfactories floods out with the opening of the airtight glass jar of medium roasted beans. Next, the aroma morphs and intensifies with the grinding of the beans followed by the brewing coffee which sort of gently wraps its aroma around the body where it seems that each pore of the skin drinks in the final morning aroma.
Yes, coffee is much more than a 'cup of joe'! It is a visceral experience!"
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Beautiful Hellebore blooming this winter
 2025-01-08 - Taylor County, KY - Photo by Alice Steele. We got the happy news from Alice Steele right before the winter storm hit that she has "Hellebore blooms aplenty this winter!" We'll be hoping they make it through the ice and snow.
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RC Deputy Sheriff Nick Barber wins 2024 award
 2025-01-08 - Russell County, KY - Photo from the office of Russell County Sheriff . Russell County Sheriff Derek Polston recently congratulated his Russell County Deputy Sheriff Nick Barber for winning the Governors Impaired Driving Enforcement Award for 2024. Barber had the most impaired driving arrests for the Russell County Sheriff's Office in 2024.
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Travel: Sailing Through The Winter Solstice
 2025-01-07 - Carroll Creek Linear Park, Frederick, MD - Photo by Pen. According to coloronthecreek.com, "Color On The Creek is an all volunteer inspired and managed water garden located in the Carroll Creek Linear Park which runs through the heart of downtown Frederick Maryland. Created in 2012, the garden transformed an algae plagued creek into a place of real beauty. The water garden blooms from April through October and is open and free to the public."
From mid-November through the 2nd Saturday in March, Sailing Through The Winter Solstice showcases "gaff-rigged ketches, yawls, three-masted schooners, and pirate ships, moored with their sail outlines, rigging and decks lit up from dusk till dawn," as part of a fundraiser and awareness campaign.
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Contact us: Columbia Magazine and columbiamagazine.com are published by Linda Waggener and Pen Waggener, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728. Phone: 270.403.0017
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