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Scenic Adair Co.: Sunday Sunset

2025-01-12 - Adair Co., KY - Photo by Tommy Bailey.
Photographer Tommy Bailey captured this stunning sunset over Birch Road in eastern Adair County on Sunday evening, January 12, 2025.

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CACVFD responds to fire on Knifley Road

2025-01-12 - Adair Co., KY - Photo courtesy Grant Loy.
CACVFD firefighters were able to contain a fire to the second floor of this residence on Knifley Road on Saturday, January 11, 2025.

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Scenic Kentucky: Snowy winter scene

2025-01-12 - Leitchfield, KY - Photo by Lindsay Durbin.
A creek winding through snowy Kentucky woods, taken by Lindsay on January 11, 2025.

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Kentucky Color: Late 1990s Arbor Day

2025-01-12 - Frankfort, KY - Photo courtesy Billy Joe Fudge.
Billy Joe writes, "I was invited to perform my poem, 'I heard a Tree', at Kentucky's Arbor Day celebration in the late nineties. It was quite an honor.

My oldest daughter, Shay Knifley, drew a masterful pen and ink of an urban forestry scene on the Lindsey Wilson campus which included the massive Rainwater Oak. I had the poem superimposed on her drawing. She and I presented a framed copy to First Lady Judi Patton (at left in photo) during the ceremony.

It hung in the state capitol in Frankfort for the remainder of Governor Patton's tenure, and I believe a copy still hangs in the Adair County Public Library."

Read Billy Joe's poem here: Kentucky Color: I heard a tree.

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Closeup of Snowflakes

2025-01-12 - Leitchfield, KY - Photo by Lindsay Durbin.
A close view of the intricate patterns in fresh snowflakes, taken by Lindsay on January 11, 2025.

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2025-01-12 - Fairplay, KY - Photo by Veronica Arnold.
Veronica writes, "When we get snow everyone goes sledding and builds snowmen. But then the easy winter fun that doesn't require being out in the cold is making snowcream. We just place a bowl up high on a surface where it shouldn't fall or be disturbed by wildlife. When the bowl is full, just bring it inside and mix in the sweet condensed milk, vanilla, and any other toppings you desire.

Tastes like the joy of childhood."

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Church can go on after winter storm

2025-01-11 - Downtown Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Many of our churches are announcing they'll be open tomorrow after having had to cancel services last Sunday due to ice. We've had two strong winter storms with ice and snow and very cold temperatures. Looks like for January 12, 2025 there may be a reprieve with sun and temperatures getting up to 40. This is a picture of the historic Presbyterian Church on Burkesville Street, we haven't heard if they are having services but couldn't resist making a picture of their beautiful entrance in the snow.

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