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Summer the Chicken attends 4-H meeting

2025-01-15 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Tony Rose.
Riley Janes, Adair County 4-H member, age 9, brought his chicken, Summer, to this week's meeting of the Rabbit/Poultry Club at the Adair County Extension Office. More delightful pictures from the meeting can be seen on the Facebook page of the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service.

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Scenic Columbia: that irresistible moon

2025-01-15 - Downtown Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
This picture is shared in case there are more like me who just couldn't get enough of this week's irresistible moon! - LW

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LWC Business Students

2025-01-15 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Lindsey Wilson College.
Lindsey Wilson College business faculty member JC Phelps, center, is flanked by students who competed in the national Marketing Research Competition. From left: David Requejo Hernandez, a communication and business administration double junior with an emphasis in marketing from Salamanca, Spain; Alida Leles, a business administration junior with an emphasis in marketing from Vila Praia de Ancora, Portugal; Phelps; Anastasiia Vorobiova, a business administration junior with an emphasis in marketing from Odessa, Ukraine; and Randall Camfield, a business administration senior from Columbia.

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LWC Director of Health Services Tamara Coots

2025-01-14 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Lindsey Wilson College.
Lindsey Wilson College Director of Health Services Tamara Coots sees about 30 students a week at the college's student health services center, which is in the basement of Phillips Hall. The college has a partnership with Cumberland Family Medical, which she says makes it "like having a doctor's office on campus."

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Keep an eye out for utility workers

2025-01-14 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener.
Work is going on in downtown Columbia today so watch for road work signs and drive with caution. This picture is from the junction of Fairground and Campbellsville Streets.

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Bell House fully restored and beginning events

2025-01-14 - Metcalfe County, KY - Photo from Kim Harwood, Executive Director, Edmonton Metcalfe Chamber of Commerce.
Over the years passersby driving between Columbia and Edmonton have inquired about this unique home. People have wished for restoration and that happened thanks to Ellen and Eric Gregory. Now those who have wondered about having a wedding on the grounds, a celebratory anniversary party, family portrait or even their senior pictures may be getting their wishes. Events will begin and details can be found on their website and on social media.

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Birds of Kentucky: Canada Goose in the Snow

2025-01-14 - Central Kentucky - Photo by Pen.
A Canada Goose on a snowy day.

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