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Photo Archives A collection of pictures that have appeared on ColumbiaMagazine.com and in the print edition of Columbia! Magazine. Photos are sorted from most recent to oldest. To see more pictures, click the "View the next..." link at the bottom of this page. To find a specific photo, try our Search Page.
Congratulations ACMS homecoming royalty
 2025-01-17 - Columbia, KY - Photo from ACMS. Adair County Middle School held its homecoming last week - Homecoming King And Queen, representing Volleyball, are Josie Cox and Myles Bowman; First Runner Up, representing Boys Basketball, are Ella Brown And Truk Jennings; Second Runner Up, representing FFA, are Madison Foster And Mason Taylor.
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Nature Watch with Sandhill Cranes at BRL SRP
 2025-01-17 - Barren Co., KY - Photo courtesy Kentucky State Parks. Barren River Lake State Resort Park welcomes visitors to our New Kentucky Home during the second weekend in February, hosting a Nature Watch Weekend that will focus on viewing migratory sandhill cranes.
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Kentucky Color: A challenge to you
 2025-01-17 - Great Wooded South - Photo by Billy Joe Fudge. Billy Joe writes, "I wanted you to see the natural soap/shampoo I use and challenge you to look at the plethora of chemicals that are in your soap, body wash and shampoo that you lather up with multiple times daily."
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CU Board welcomes new Chair Hilda Legg
 2025-01-17 - Taylor County, KY - Photo by Gerard Flanagan, CU Communications. Dr. Hilda Legg begins her term as Campbellsville University's next Board of Trustee Chair. She is pictured receiving the gavel from former Chair Henry Lee. Legg is a native of Adair County and a graduate of CU. Lee's father and grandfather both served as trustees at CU. At left is Board Member and CU leader John Chowning.
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Scholarships deadline to apply is April 7th
 2025-01-16 . The new scholarship program offers students an opportunity to creatively express their passion for organ, eye and tissue donation and inspire others to register as donors. When the Circuit Clerks introduced the organ donor program through dollar donations at driver's license, it was the first program of its kind in the United States. This pioneering effort has since inspired similar programs in over 30 states. Details are in the accompanying story.
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Birds of Kentucky: Northern Flicker
 2025-01-16 - Central Kentucky - Photo by Pen. I never figured out what interested this Northern Flicker about the sidewalk, but he fed or drank on this spot for several minutes, tolerating a very close approach.
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Adair couple were married in Mammoth Cave in 1901
 2025-01-15 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy Mike Watson. This clipping from The Kalamazoo [Michigan] Gazette, from 3 October 1901, reads:
Bride and Groom and Attendants All Wore Cave Suits.
Louisville, Ky., Oct. 2, [1901] - A wedding was solemnized in Mammoth Cave today, when W. C. Yates and Miss Carrie Caldwell, of Adair County, stood at the "Bridal altar," on which nature has devoted centuries, and made their vows.
The procession to the altar was headed by John D. Quinn, of Louisville, carrying a huge cave torch. The cave orchestra played "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky." There were 60 people present, all wearing cave suits and carrying the flickering oil lanterns.
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