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Temperature heading lower overnight

2025-01-20 - Adair County, KY - Photo From NOAA weather service.
Outlook for continued cold with a low around 6 degrees Monday evening, January 20, 2025, as this is posted. There's a chance of flurries on Tuesday with a high only near 20. Tuesday night is predicted to see a low around 3.

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Basketball: Warming up before Bluegrass Blazers game

2025-01-20 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Trey Stephens.
The Indians warm up and prepare to do battle against the Bluegrass Blazers home school team in John Burr Memorial Gymnasium at Adair County High School.

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Tammy Stotts at January Chamber of Commerce meeting

2025-01-20 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener.
At the January Chamber of Commerce meeting, Tammy Stotts thanked everyone who served in and attended the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Home Tour in December. She said it was a fantastic event, raising funds for Chamber activities, and involving everyone in a fun holiday experience. Planning is already in the works for a Spring Garden Tour.

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Benisha Johnson and Bridget Compton at Chamber meeting

2025-01-20 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener.
Fiscal Court staff members Benisha Johnson and Bridget Compton served the meal provided by Adair County Judge Larry Russell Bryant at the January meeting of the Columbia Adair County Chamber of Commerce, held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in the Chamber basement. The meal was catered by Melissa Murray of Adair County.

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Zornes introduces Judge Bryant at Chamber meeting

2025-01-20 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener.
Columbia Adair Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ellen Zornes introduced Adair County Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant as the guest speaker at the January meeting of the Columbia Adair County Chamber of Commerce, held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. She said it's our tradition to to have our City and County officials kick off meetings and hear how things are going as the new year begins. Next month's meeting will feature Columbia Mayor Pam Hoots. Pictured from left are: Zornes, Chamber President Landon Edwards, and ACJE Bryant.

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Scenic Kentucky: visitors in the back yard

2025-01-19 - Metcalfe County, KY - Photo by Jan Sandidge.
Photographer Jan says this was her back yard view enjoyed with her morning coffee.

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Looking back at the Green/Taylor County split

2025-01-19 - South Central Kentucky - Photo from Larry Joe Smith, 99.9 the Big Dawg.

Green and Taylor Counties were split and Larry Smith posted a question asking how accurate the county lines really are.

The two counties were split in 1848 and he said he'd always heard that people from the eastern part of old Green (the Spurlington Mannsville) area had a long horse back ride to Greensburg to do business at the courthouse and petitioned to the state to create a courthouse that would be closer.

He'd like to hear stories from folks who know the history on this subject.

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