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Not much snow but lots of freeze

2025-01-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
We haven't had many inches of snow this week, but we are getting plenty of winter deep freeze which keeps any moisture produced right where it is. Please be careful as you go and reach out to each other if help is needed. The Annex on the Public Square is a warming station if anyone needs it.

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Collin White responds to President's charge

2025-01-21 - Taylor County, KY - Photo by Brandon Roberts.
Collin White of Campbellsville responded to the charge from CU President Dr. Joseph Hopkins in the recent winter commencement ceremonies by pointing to Jesus Christ's example, saying, "Jesus didn't seek wealth, power, or fame." This is Collin's second big accomplishment in 2024 -- he reached his goal of singing on the Grand Ole Opry stage in April and graduated in December. He has recorded and released two singles.

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Busses getting some days off

2025-01-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Adair County Schools are on NTI day number six due to the extreme weather we are having. Students will not need their busses, but will need computers to attend.

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Homemakers Game Day

2025-01-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo from Shannon Steveson.
Dylan Gentry (FCS Agent) and Shirley Dudley Reliford, enjoying Homemakers Game Day at the Adair Co. Extension Office.

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Basketball: Tipoff with the Bluegrass Blazers

2025-01-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Trey Stephens.
Senior Brayton Coomer readies for the opening tip off against the Bluegrass Blazers O=in Monday evening in John Burr Memorial Gymnasium. The Indians would go on to win 108-66.

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A different kind of snow shoe

2025-01-21 - Fairplay, KY - Photo by Veronica Arnold.
Veronica writes, "From the compacted snow and ice, these snow shoes can be found around the barn. The horse's foot does get warm from movement and sheds the snowshoe. What you can see is the imprint of his rubber boots. Those horse lovers usually find these 'snowshoes' interesting. LOL and even work to self-clean the horse's hooves! Bonus!"

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Temperature heading lower overnight

2025-01-20 - Adair County, KY - Photo From NOAA weather service.
Outlook for continued cold with a low around 6 degrees Monday evening, January 20, 2025, as this is posted. There's a chance of flurries on Tuesday with a high only near 20. Tuesday night is predicted to see a low around 3.

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