Columbia Magazine

LWC Business Policy Class

2025-02-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Lindsey Wilson College
The winning team in the Lindsey Wilson College "Business Policy Class" class are joined by Kyle Edwards, a 2006 Lindsey Wilson alumnus who is president of Edwards Managed Technology Computer Consulting, and one of Edwards' business partners who appears on the computer screen.

From left: Anastasiia Vorobiova '25 of Odessa, Ukraine; Anastasiia Ivanchenko '25 of Chernivtsi, Ukraine; Edwards; Alejandra Martinez '26 of Cochabamba, Bolivia; Alessia Bergesio '25 of Serralunga d'Alba, Italy; and Elisa Burzio '25 of Chieri, Italy. The business competition was held in the J.L. Turner Leadership Center.
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Birds of Kentucky: Ducks in the rain

2025-02-21 - Central Kentucky - Photo by Pen
A female mallard in the rain, and a trio of males blurring past.
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Traveling along in the Omnicoot

2025-02-20- Photo by Linda Waggener,
Take a look at the cars in this 1970s photo developed from old negatives at the Genealogy Center. Ed Waggener and son Tom are pictured unpacking the small light blue Dodge Omni that the boys had named the "Omnicoot" - they'll have to tell the story of why they felt it should be named that. I'm sure it was for good cause. It was in that car on the way home from Florida, I believe, that Tom and Pen developed ideas around a current events show they'd title Walter Kronphart and the Evening Pews. -- LW
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